Email Adapter

This adapter sends the message to email using Vespula Mailer which extends PHPMailer.

require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Vespula\Notifier\Notifier;
use Vespula\Notifier\Adapter\Stdout;
use Vespula\Notifier\Adapter\Email;
use Vespula\Notifier\Adapter\Webhook;
use Vespula\Mailer\Mailer;

$mailer = new Mailer();

$emailAdapter = new Email($mailer);
$notifier = new Notifier();

$notifier->addAdapter('email', $emailAdapter);
$notifier->setMessage('my message');

See Vespula Mailer and PHPMailer for infomation on the other adapters such as File, SMTP, and Sendmail.