Finding Entries
Find a Single Entry
You can easily find a single record by passing an LDAP search filter
to the find()
method. This method will return the first entry from the results.
$searchfilter = 'cn=juser';
$row = $ldap->find($searchfilter);
// This will return an array of data or an empty array. The array will be
// 'cleaned' up to be more user-friendly.
// The returned result will ALWAYS include the user's DN.
// $row might look like:
'fullname'=>'Joe User',
Find All Entries
You can also find all entries matching a search filter.
// $searchfilter can be as complex as you need
// $searchfilter = (|(sn=smit*)(givenname=jo*));
$searchfilter = 'locality=Edmonton';
$rows = $ldap->findAll($searchfilter);
// $rows will be an multi-dimensional array of entries.
Finding Entries by Attribute
The LdapSearch()
class comes with convenience methods for finding entries
by any attribute in the directory. The default attributes are:
The keys in this array matches the name of the method you are calling. The value in the array matches the actual directory attribute. See the example below.
// Find all entries by last name
// The method name is the upper case first of the key in the array.
// findAllBy + ucfirst(lastname)
$rows = $ldap->findAllByLastname('smith');
// Find a single entry by lastname (ldap_first_entry is used)
$row = $ldap->findOneByLastname('Smith');
// More likely you would use something like the cn (userid)
$row = $ldap->findOneByUserid('juser');
As with the find()
and findAll()
methods, you can pass more arguments as
required. See the PHP documentation on the additional attributes.
$row = $ldap->findAllByLastname(
Additionally, you can find entries by multiple attributes using booleans (and/or). For example:
// Boolean And
$rows = $ldap->findAllByLastnameAndFirstname('User', 'J*');
// Boolean Or
$rows = $ldap->findAllByLocalityOrPostalcode('City', 'T6H 3S5');
// Boolean Or using the same attribute 2x
$rows = $ldap->findAllByLastnameOrLastname('User', 'Doe');
// The same methods work with `findOneBy()` as well, though this may be less useful, depending on
// what you are searching for
$row = $ldap->findOneByLastnameAndFirstname('User', 'Joe');
Setting FindBy Attributes
You can customize the ‘findBy’ attributes to suit your directory set up. The findByAttributes are a key value pair where the key is your findBy method name, and the value is the actual attribute in the directory.
$ldap->setFindByAttribute('fullName', 'displayname');
// The , character is escaped by default. Don't escape for now :)
$rows = $ldap->findOneByFullName('User, Joe');
// Set all findBy attributes
$findby = [
// This will set the search filter to cn=myname
$rows = $ldap->findAllByCommonName('myname');